
8 ways to manage your anger

When you are angry, you feel like all the people conspire to hurt you, it’s all about you, and maybe is something wrong with your person.
As momis double difficult to manage the situation and find a solution. Because you understand that is just a kid and you are responsible to resolve the problem.
But how you can do it when you feel like you don’t have any more resources to stay calm and think properly. When you feel strong emotions in your body, and you have a big desire to yell ,to smash, to hit, or whenever needs to, just to release this emotional charge.

The best solution at the moment of intense anger is to take yourself a time out. Not kids , not anyoane else. You need to do this. Just distract yourself from the actual situation.

Here are 8 ways how you can do this:

1. Go and lock yourself in the bathroom.

Tell your kids that mommy needs a time out for herself and go. You can screame in the toilet and flash your anger, take a shower, breath deeply and think of a nice place where you would like to be. Do not analyze the situation that just happend in this moments .
Cry, it would release your tension. Scream at the wall. Count to ten while taking slow , deep breaths.

If you decide to scream , make sure your kids are not listening and are afraid of you.

2. Play some music.

You can opt in for soothing classical music , that will calm yourself out. Or instead, put some rock or rap music. Sing and danse like crazy if you fell so. This will release the anger energy. This , most probably will involve your kids as well, so you all will be much better at the end of this danse session.

3. Read a book; Watch a movie; Play video games.

This will help you to distract your mind and calm your anger.

4. Write in a journal.

write down your anger feelings, your toughts. This is very good therapy. It’s like taking out all the feelings you keep in your body, and then you cand fell how released you’ll become. You thrown away all that negativity and tension from inside.

5. Call a friend.

Talk with him about your feelings and the situation just happened. You will feel understood and you can gain even some insights how to handel the situation next time.

6. Eat a snack.

This release dopamine and endorfine and lowers the cortisol levels. So you’ll be more relaxed and a little bit happier at the end. You can even share this pleasure with your kids if it’s allowed , in this way you all be in a good mood.

7. Play with toys.

Your kids might join you, and the fun dissipates the anger.

8. Be alone.

Just doing nothing. You can lock on your bedroom if you think that your kids can come after you. Lay dow on the bed and just think of many other ways you can teach your child to calm down without time-out.

There’s a lot of methods that can calm you down . It depends of your personality and what allow you the situation. Whatever you fell that is helping you release the tension in your body , do it.

Only after you wind out all your anger feelings, you return and startt to find solutions toghether with your kids if you can , and decide what is the best way to action .

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